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35 things I’ve learned in 35 years

HELLO! Welcome to my first blog! You may ask why was this blog created or maybe not. I’m

simply here for one thing and this one thing may not be different from others; however, I

guarantee it will lift your spirits and we will grow together.

Ok, you don’t have to wait any longer. The one thing: To encourage you to change your

perspective about life around you. Yep! To encourage and educate you. Why? Because we all

have a story that’s totally unique.

It was revealed to me in my sleep I was an encourager. I know that sounds weird, silly and

somewhat confusing…yeah, I thought the same thing. I actually fought this “encourager” gift for years. Encourager? God…really? I immediately start to study the word itself and questioned friends if I give them support, hope, motivation, stimulate or strengthen them in any way.

Although, their answers were yes and of course…I did all of that and still wasn’t sure what all of it meant until I started to look within myself, my own real-life experiences and owned my story. Well, here I am being obedient and answering my calling that woke me up at 3 am sometime in late September 2018. After looking within, I thought I would share what 35 things I have learned here on my 35 th birthday. Yes, today is actually my birthday! Yay! I hope I encourage you to share your story with me as well as we continue to dive in some informative and interesting topics because WE ALL HAVE A STORY.


1. Be Grateful.

2. Seek clear understanding.

3. Mean what you say.

4. Healing takes time.

5. Children are only kids for a short time.

6. Honor your parents.

7. Leadership can be rough.

8. Be kind.

9. Say Good morning.

10. Good friends are a blessing.

11. We ALL have sinned.

12. Build while you’re young.

13. Smile and Stay Focus.

14. Solitude is not a bad thing.

15. Take care of your body and it will take of you.

16. Our parents have stories too.

17. Write out your visions.

18. Manage your decisions.

19. Always look presentable.

20. Save money every time you gain a profit.

21. Expect the unexpected.

22. Don’t just have sex just to have it.

23. Trust in the Lord.

24. Use your time wisely.

25. God doesn’t give you something until he can trust you with it.

26. Be a blessing to others.

27. Communicate with respect.

28. Read and Study.

29. Forgive yourself and others.

30. There is a difference between talent and anointed.

31. Adopt values early.

32. Don’t compromise your dignity.

33. Only love can cure anything.

34. True freedom is knowing who you truly are.

35. Only what you do for Christ will last.

Bonus: Thank God for “Although” and “Yet”…in our stories.

Thank you for letting me share my birthday with you! :-)


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