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How to be Grateful in a Pandemic

I believe many would agree with me when I say the year of 2020 no doubt has been a slippery, surprising, shattering, yet spiritual year thus far. Spiritual? You may question…yes, spiritual! Let me give you 3 supportive reasonings why I say this is a spiritual year, how we can still be grateful for this time while we’re in a pandemic.

1.) Our father (God) has kept us. I’ve learned more than ever during this time that God is a keeper. We have learned that a pandemic is a disease-not just in one city, state, or country, but over the world. Can you really wrap your mind around how huge the world is? Well, I don’t have an exact number myself, but I do know it’s billions. Billions! Truth is not even half have died from what we are calling a disease that’s around the whole world. Let me be clear…we don’t want it to either. But what I’m trying to get you to understand is this is something we can surely be grateful for. Therefore, we should thank God He has kept us, because of His protection and healing those who has been affected by Covid. Not only that, but let’s be grateful this haven’t been anything like an “Armageddon” where suddenly the world is just swept away. Some of us can even go further and thankful this horrible invisible disease haven’t attacked anyone in our families. This takes me to my next point.

2.) Our families are now our priority. This isolation forced us to stop our regular schedules where we go into the workplace, school, church, travels and any other extra curriculum activities that would regularly place us outside our homes. We found ourselves back to the dinner tables, competing in board games, spending quality time watching TV shows and sharing familiar interests again. Quick story-before the pandemic my teenage daughter and I was bumping heads left and right, I felt like she was being a typical teenage with mood swings and she felt as though I wasn’t a good listener. We both were right. After being in quarantine in our 2 bedroom apartment together we had no choice, but to communicate-I was at home from work and she no longer was in school. I contest we both started to learn each other again. Suddenly, I was grateful for reconnecting with her and you too can be grateful for reconnecting with your family in this time.

3.) Our finances got reconstructed. Finances are often an uncomfortable subject. Most may look at this as a bad thing and in the moment of reconstructing it’s rarely ever comfortable. Many people have lost their jobs, business income, automobiles and other incentives as well. However the grateful part you can grab out of this is it taught most of us lessons on how we need to get a hold on our finances; such as not living above our means and learn to save more. Then there are some who saw they were barely making it with their 9-5 jobs and became creative and started a lucrative business. Needless to say, the government even disbursed unemployment, so those who lost income wasn’t in total shams. Yes, it might not be a lot, and you might be use to more, but it’s something to still be grateful for during this time of a pandemic.

Although, things don’t currently look so great I hope you think on these things and choose gratitude. I will leave you with this, it’s something I live by no matter what is going on in my life at the time…it’s Romans 8:28.

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:28

This promise from God is security knowing everything that’s going on will work out for our good and for that we can be grateful.


L.S. Maiten

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