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How to GUARD your GATES: Ear, Eye and Mouth

Updated: Nov 6, 2019

What does the ear, eye and mouth have in common? Of course, they are senses, but the one

thing these body features and senses have in common is that they’re on the head of the body.

The head is the most valuable part on your body, so why oftentimes are we careless about what we listen to, look at, or say to ourselves and others? Perhaps we’re not mindful of our gates.

I’ll be the first to admit I haven’t always guard my gates as I should. I would listen to things

about others that wasn’t necessarily suitable with my values, look at certain shows on TV and

compare my life to others I don’t even know, and I would even say things out my own mouth

about myself that wasn’t true. I was a complete disaster in guarding my gates at one point.

Not guarding your gates can leave you delusional, distracted and equally distraught. Why

should we guard our gates? One word-influence. How? Just ask yourself what influence you.

Influence is powerful! This can be good and bad. According to the Webster dictionary, influence is described as “the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions of others.”

Previously I mentioned how the head is the most valuable part on our bodies, this is because it influences everything else to actively function properly. For instance, if I constantly say to

myself girl it’s just one piece of cake, your photoshoot is not until the end of the year anyway-

(side note: this debate with myself happens to me quite often by the way)I may prolong my

long term goal, which is the weight loss. Therefore, I intentional watch what I say out my mouth and don’t bother going in the break room at work to lay my eyes on the “cake”. Let’s start to beintentional and mindful of our gate senses for our mental health.

Please Note: Your ears hear what your mouth is saying which influences your eyes.


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