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The 3 E’s on the Journey: Energy, Endurance and Execution

Updated: Apr 28, 2020

As I remember playing basketball with friends in school, I recall playing typically with mostly boys, because some girls just weren’t into the sport. While playing with the guys I learned a lot, especially toughness-to keep going even when I was tired or cramping up. Whatever you do just keep playing and moving was my experience.

I’ve realized anytime something is about to be conquered it’s the middle part of the journey

that’s challenging. Where we become “tired and cramp up”. Just think about it…when we were in school we were fueled with energy and on fire, at the end we saw the light and we were just ready to finish, but in the middle of the year or semester we started to get irritated and somewhat weary. Such as life! In school, marriages, careers, pregnancy, summer months and so much more. It’s the middle that challenges us the most. I call this ENERGY, ENDURANCE and EXECUTION syndrome.

Energy have many different forms, but its commonest is power. As a former basketball coach I would tell our team-let’s make sure we score as much as we can in the beginning while pacing ourselves, so the other team have a hard time catching up and you’ll have enough energy to finish. They gave all their energy to score intensively. Well, anyone who ever played sports or tried to accomplish anything successfully knows this is not how the story usually ends. It’s not always so clear and smooth-this is why the pacing yourself matters.

Endurance is a component one must learn to adopt and adjust as they go through life, because this is where true commitment takes place. Most of the time it’s the middle of our journeys where the path doesn’t look so promising or clear anymore. You ever noticed when you are trying to lose weight the pounds come off pretty quickly in the beginning and you’re freaking excited, but when you hit the middle of that desired target goal the weight all of a sudden won’t let you go. The numbers on the scale won’t hurry and catch up to what you feel in your jeans. I know I hate that too. Endure. Stay focus and keep going.

Execution is staying persistent to get to the promise. As mention before, from my basketball experience I’ve learned no matter what just keep going, because the game has to come to an end sooner or later. I can’t tell you how many times I started something and gave up, because the middle got hard. In contrast, I can’t express to you how I felt the multiple times when I did go through my “middle” and felt like more than a conqueror, because I endured and executed.

Consider this: Energy=Gain momentum, Endurance=Stay discipline, Execution= Finish!


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