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UP from Here!

Happy New Year to you all! I think it’s safe to say that most people become extremely excited about a new year. It symbolizes a fresh start, and a new beginning in our personal life, homes, businesses and other things we would like to hit restart on or conquer for once.

Recently, I came across the scripture of Matthew 17:7. It reads “But Jesus came and touched them. “Get up” he said. “Don’t be afraid”. It’s so much that could be interpreted about this scripture, but for the sake of this blog length, I’m going to just touch on “get up; don’t be afraid”. I named this blog Up from Here, because the phrase “It’s up from here” is usually expressed when one anticipate on something greater is coming.

Yes, the last 2 years were a roller coaster indeed and last year some maybe thought they finally caught their breath, but then boom something else happened that troubled them. Well, I want to encourage and empower you in letting you know it’s UP from here. Up from here is about your attitude, your belief and the work. Even if the year in the last 4 days has not started the way you assume it would, take this encouraging word with you for the rest of the year...Up from Here. Repeat it.

When Jesus told them (Peter, James and John up on the mountain) to “get up”-this was about work. We too have to make a decision to get better, more fulfilling our purpose and move our feet in the direction that gives us complete joy. This takes work. “Don’t be afraid”-this has everything to do with what you belief. Conquering new things are often terrifying. It’s the fear of the unknown...Right? I myself deal with this as well, but when I know deep down that still voice is telling me to do something that’s exactly what I have learned to do. Having blind faith is a great skill to obtain.

Therefore, my friend I’m telling you from experienced to get up from that procrastination, people pleasing, or perfectionism this year and don’t be afraid to move forward with your new goals and endeavors even if doubt creeps in and you are scared to take the it. It’s UP from Here, because God is with you!



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